Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why Duncanville should Scare you!

Most of us have seen this, it was all over the national news. We are probably a little bit behind on here with this one.

I love how the media allowed the neighbor they interviewed to call it 'Sodam' and 'Gamorah'. The wonderful media of ours loves to use the religious aspect of our society when it suits them, and they will crush religion when it doesn't. They show these 'respectable' neighbors complaining about the activity behind a 'PRVACY FENCE'.

I understand you can't make money, by charging $50 to get into a private residence, and get away with it for long. But surely these folks saw that coming. I know, I know, they said it was a 'Donation'. That may be, but they were playing a very dangerous game.

Now I have attended 'Swinger' parties that had admissions to get in, and that is nothing new. Usually they give away prizes, and hold contests to break the ice, and mix it up. (Adult version of a middle school make out part, hehe) And we love them. But people can't continue to do 'business' in a residential area, outside the zoning laws, and expect to not get into some sort of trouble. If they were manufacturing goods out of their home, and shipping them to buyers, they would soon get busted.

But this brings up the next Question. Should sex clubs be legal. We all know that you shouldn't run a business (thats too big) out of your home. But it seems Duncanville is trying to pass a law that 'Sex Clubs' are illegal.

So, why should this scare you? I am willing to bet that if you look at the Duncanville city statute, there is already laws about having sex in public, and laws against running a business, including a club, out of your home. So, if there are already laws that say the things that are being sold, or done in a 'Sex Club' are already illegal, then why are they going to write a specific law against it?

This is the scary part. They are setting a precident, and writing a law against "Swingers". This is the normal response of our courts and municipalities. It's appearent that the proprietors of "The Cherry Pit" have already violated municpal law. But instead of simply relying on the existing laws to do what they are intended to to (which they are, or else they would not have been able to arrest the club owners), they are going to write new TARGETED laws against sex clubs and swingers.

So, what if it was a Gay or Lesbian club they were running? Do you think it would have gotten shut down? (I'm not prejudice, but i'm not blind to cultural differences either.)

Well, I for one think we should put laws on everything. Let's make a law that you can't have sex in your own home with someone other than your "LEGALLY MARRIED" spouse, and you can't even have guests over who park behind a privacy fence. The amount of cars sitting there, doing nothing, hiding behind a fence, must sure be a huge annoyance to the neighbors. WE SHOULD RISE TOGETHER AND BAN THAT. More laws. More Laws.

Of course i'm joking. I'm heading off course into a broad sexual-politico subject that I will save for another day. The truth is, I want to run a sex club from my house. I don't think it would be the best environment for my children, but shouldn't I have that right, if I want to?

Reply and let me know. Should sex clubs be legal, and in what capacity?

"Swing Away"

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